At this age, a child is developing a wide range of skills at an astonishing rate. To develop our Waddlers agility and balance, we bring in gymnastics and ball games into our program. Our instructors are dedicated in making My Gym a fun place with positive reinforcement and lots of encouragement to help our children achieve tasks and build confidence and positive self-esteem. During our separation time, parents will take a step back and watch their children interact and socialize with other Waddlers.
Encouraging Self-Assertiveness and Curiosity
Expanding Physical Body Strength
Walking backwards, stepping up and down, leg and foot exercises.
Cognitive Skills
Solving puzzles, listening to Player’s instructions.
- Request for Parents
- At this period, children take interest in various things. Let them try things and expand their ability!

- With the increase of "they can!", they have a strong will to challenge everything.
At the beginning my daughter just kept crying, however she now enjoys the class. She gained confidence as she learns new things. She is especially good at high bar and balance beam and she shows them to grandpa and grandma. She enjoys the things she was afraid of before.
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